Audio Hardware
Speakers - Genelec
The fourteen (14) speakers surrounding the Data Arena are Genelec 8020C's
The two (2) bass LFE speakers on either side of the DA Theatre are Genelec 7060B Studio Subwoofers
The main audio hardware is this RME Fireface UFX. Although RME say it is out of production now, this unit is pretty impressive. The Data Arena runs the Fireface in its 22-Channel Linux mode, although we only use 16 of the channels (1-14 Genelec Speaker Ring, 15-16 Subwoofers; see above). Generally it is running at 44.1KHz sample rate, but it will switch to 48KHz automatically, and can run up to 192KHz (but there's a caveat on how many channels can output 192Khz; so far 48KHz has been sufficient).
Last updated 22 Sep 2023