The Development Process
Your Data Arena project can be created on your own computer. Then you will need to transfer and package it on our workstations to run in the DA. Here’s an overview of the process.

1 • Your Computer
You’re encouraged to do the majority of your project work here!
2 • Our Workstations
We have 4 high power computers available for you to use in our lab in Building 2. Unreal Engine projects must be packaged here to run in the DA. You will eventually transfer your project files to one of these computers.
We recommend running your project on these computers as soon as possible to catch any compatibility issues.
3 • Data Arena Filesystem (/da)
We have a shared server accessible from all our computers in the lab and Data Arena. You will package your project to this server, and the DA team will deploy your project from there to run in the DA.
4 • Data Arena Cluster
The cluster is the group of computers that will run your project in the DA. Each computer has a copy of your project files and they all run in sync. You won’t need to worry about this part.